Law and order of modern ophthalmology: Teleophthalmology, smartphones legal and ethics



In recent years, new technologies used in the field of ophthalmology have been emerging and developing rapidly. Two major aspects of these advancements are teleophthalmology and smartphones, which have enabled practitioners to achieve optimal outcomes in record time with minimal costs. Several rules and regulations have been applied to these technologies in order to frame them under the appropriate medico-legal ethics, and specialized committees have been dedicated to maintaining their efficacy and avoiding shortcomings. In addition multiple studies and case reports conducted worldwide have assessed them according to specific diseases or global concerns. This review article constitutes an up-to date account of almost all of the applications and medico-legal perspectives of technologies used in ophthalmology in order to summarize and better visualize their advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Teleophthalmology; ethics; legal; regulations and telemedicine; rules; smartphones.

Written by APTOS