There are 2 types of membership, individual membership and institutional membership.

1. Individual Membership

  • The applicant should be an individual with at least 2 years of solid experience in working as an ophthalmologist, or working in a field or industry related to tele-ophthalmology.
  • Applicants domiciled in the Asia-Pacific Region will be admitted as a full member while applicants domiciled outside the Asia-Pacific region as an associate member.

2. Institutional Membership

  • The applicant should be a tele-ophthalmologic or related society/unit with at least 2 years of solid experience in working in a field or industry related to tele-ophthalmology.
  • Applicants based in the Asia-Pacific Region will be admitted as a regional member while applicants based outside the Asia-Pacific region as an associate members.


  • Concessionary registration at the APTOS Congress
  • Free access to educational resources in APTOS members’ only portal
  • Priority in credentialed user application for access to our cross-country datasets
  • APTOS e-newsletter
  • Participation in the APTOS Award Program
  • Priority in participation in collaborative programs initiated by APTOS


  • US$70 per year for individual members
  • US$300 per year for institutional members

Please note that unless you opt for automatic renewal, membership fees are calculated based on the calendar year. No matter when you join APTOS for membership during the year, you will have to pay full fees for that year. Membership with APTOS is a commitment, so you are required to pay your dues every year once your application is approved. Individual members can enjoy a special rate at US$60 per year by opting for automatic renewal of membership fees. Institutional members that are up-to-date on their dues can enjoy a 5% discount on exhibition booth fees at upcoming APTOS annual symposiums.

  • Founding members can enjoy membership fee waiver for good.
  • Council members can have their fees waived during their tenure.

Complete the application form online (individual or institutional) and upload your CV (for individuals) or registration certificate (for institutions). Applications will only be processed upon receipt of membership fee, which will be refunded in the event that the application is not successful.
Should you have any queries, please contact APTOS Secretariat by email at